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GCD calculator

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The greatest common division calculator computes GCD of two or more integers. Calculator implements four different computation methods: prime factorization, repeated division, Euclidean algorithm and listing out the factors.

GCD Calculator
Find the greatest common multiple using four methods.
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Prime factorization method
Repeated division method
Euclidean Algorithm (works for two numbers)
Listing out the factors
ex 1:
What is the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of 104 and 64?
ex 2:
Find GCD of 96, 144 and 192 using a repeated division.
ex 3:
Find GCD of 54 and 60 using an Euclidean Algorithm.
ex 4:
Find GCD of 72 and 54 by listing out the factors.
Find more worked-out examples in our database of solved problems..

What is Greatest common factor (GCF)?

The greatest common divisor (multiple) of two integers is the largest number that divides them both. This calculator provides four methods to compute GCD. We'll show them with a few examples.

Method 1 : Find GCD using prime factorization method

Example: find GCD of 36 and 48

Step 1: find prime factorization of each number:

42 = 2 * 3 * 7

70 = 2 * 5 * 7

Step 2: circle out all common factors:

42 = * 3 *

70 = * 5 *

We see that the GCD is * = 14

Method 2 : Find GCD using a repeated division

Example: find GCD of 84 and 140.

Step 1: Place the numbers inside division bar:

84 140

Step 2: Divide both numbers by 2:

2 84 140
42 70

Step 3: Continue to divide until the numbers do not have a common factor.

84 140
42 70
21 35
3 7

Step 4: The GCD of 84 and 140 is: * * = 28

Method 3 : Euclidean algorithm

Example: Find GCD of 52 and 36, using Euclidean algorithm.

Solution: Divide 52 by 36 and get the remainder, then divide 36 with the remainder from previous step. When the remainder is zero the GCD is the last divisor.

52 : 36 = 1 remainder (16)
36 : 16 = 1 remainder (4)
16 : = 4 remainder (0)

We conclude that the GCD = 4.

Method 4 : Listing out the factors

Example: find GCD of 45 and 54 by listing out the factors.

Step 1: Find divisors for the given numbers:

The divisors of 45 are 1, 3, 5, , 15 and 45

The divisors of 54 are 1, 2, 3, 6, 18, 27 and 54

Step 2: The greatest divisor =

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