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Correlation and regression calculator

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Enter two data sets and this calculator will find the equation of the regression line and correlation coefficient. The calculator will generate a step by step explanation along with the graphic representation of the data sets and regression line.


You entered the following data:


The equation of the regression line is:

$$y~=~3334 ~+~ 3.436 \cdot x$$

The graph of the regression line is:


We will find an equation of the regression line in 4 steps.

Step 1: Find $X \cdot Y$ and $X^2$ as it was done in the table below.

$X$$Y$$X\cdot Y$$X \cdot X$ 
18 3401 61218 324
4 4100 16400 16
23 3402 78246 529
17 3210 54570 289
12 3100 37200 144
4 3150 12600 16
17 3408 57936 289
4 3350 13400 16
4 3300 13200 16
11 3218 35398 121
4 3311 13244 16
22 4115 90530 484
17 3421 58157 289
4 3800 15200 16
4 3200 12800 16
19 3450 65550 361
1 3300 3300 1
12 3150 37800 144
23 3530 81190 529
17 3512 59704 289
23 3502 80546 529
29 2500 72500 841
4 3200 12800 16
17 3430 58310 289
13 3320 43160 169
12 3200 38400 144
4 3609 14436 16
1 3210 3210 1
4 3198 12792 16
12 3110 37320 144
17 3150 53550 289
12 3120 37440 144
17 3210 54570 289
17 3205 54485 289
17 3200 54400 289
17 3820 64940 289
23 3350 77050 529
4 3400 13600 16
17 3310 56270 289
4 3100 12400 16
25 3200 80000 625
22 3450 75900 484
25 3610 90250 625
29 3208 93032 841
26 3664 95264 676
27 3320 89640 729
27 4100 110700 729
4 3910 15640 16
1 3700 3700 1
19 3352 63688 361

Step 2: Find the sum of every column:

$$ \sum{X} = 1480 ~,~ \sum{Y} = 385213 ~,~ \sum{X \cdot Y} = 5030407 ~,~ \sum{X^2} = 27770 $$

Step 3: Use the following equations to find $a$ and $b$:

$$ \begin{aligned} a &= \frac{\sum{Y} \cdot \sum{X^2} - \sum{X} \cdot \sum{XY} }{n \cdot \sum{X^2} - \left(\sum{X}\right)^2} = \frac{ 385213 \cdot 27770 - 1480 \cdot 5030407}{ 114 \cdot 27770 - 1480^2} \approx 3334 \\ \\b &= \frac{ n \cdot \sum{XY} - \sum{X} \cdot \sum{Y}}{n \cdot \sum{X^2} - \left(\sum{X}\right)^2} = \frac{ 114 \cdot 5030407 - 1480 \cdot 385213 }{ 114 \cdot 27770 - \left( 1480 \right)^2} \approx 3.436\end{aligned}$$

Step 4: Substitute $a$ and $b$ in regression equation formula

$$ \begin{aligned} y~&=~a ~+~ b \cdot x \\y~&=~3334 ~+~ 3.436 \cdot x\end{aligned}$$

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Correlation and Regression Calculator
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Find the equation of the regression line
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example 1:ex 1:

Consider the following set of points: ${(-3 , -4), \, (2 , 3), \, (7 , 11)}$

a) Find the regression line for the given data points.

b) Plot the given points and the regression line.

example 2:ex 2:

The values of $X$ and their corresponding values of $Y$ are shown in the table below:

$$ \begin{array}{c|ccccc} X & ~1~ & ~2~ & ~3~ & ~4~ & ~5 \\ Y & ~4~ & ~8~ & ~9~ & ~11~& ~16 \end{array} $$

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