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Scientific notation calculator

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This calculator makes conversion from scientific notation to decimal and vice versa. Also, the calculator can multiply and divide numbers written in scientific notation. The calculator provides a full, step-by-step explanation for each operation.

Scientific Notation Converter
convert scientific notation to decimal and back
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52 E-7
Multiply and divide scientific numbers
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example 1:ex 1:
Write number 73000000 in scientific notation.
example 2:ex 2:
Convert number $ 8.32 \cdot 10^6 $ to decimal notation.
example 3:ex 3:
$$ 2.5 \cdot 10^{12} \, \cdot \, 3.42 \cdot 10^{-7} = $$
example 4:ex 4:
$$ \frac{8.5 \cdot 10^{24}}{2.41 \cdot 10^{18}} = $$
example 5:ex 5:
$$ \frac{3 \cdot 10^{-8}}{5.45 \cdot 10^{-6}} = $$
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Scientific notation is simply a way of writing very large or very small numbers. In scientific notation every number is reperesented as a * 10n where decimal number a is greater than 1 and lesser than 10. We will provide some examples on how to convert numbers to scientific notation.

Convert 7823.5 to scientific notation.

In this example, we need to convert a number greater than 10, thus we'll move the decimal point three spaces to the left. Because the decimal is moved three places, n = 3.

Converting big number to scientific

The result is:

$$ 7823.5 = 7.8235 \times 10^3 $$
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