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Rationalize denominator calculator

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This calculator removes square roots from the denominator. The calculator rationalizes denominators containing one or two radical terms. For one radical term, the caluclator multiplies the numerator and denominator by the square root, and for two radical terms, it uses multiplication by the conjugate method. Additionally, the calculator shows all the steps and easy-to-understand explanations.




Tap the blue circles to see an explanation.

$$ \begin{aligned}\frac{1-\sqrt{2}}{1+\sqrt{2}}& \xlongequal{ \color{blue}{ \text{\normalsize{ \htmlClass{explanationCircle explanationCircle1}{\textcircled {1}} } }}}\frac{1-\sqrt{2}}{1+\sqrt{2}}\frac{1-\sqrt{2}}{1-\sqrt{2}} \xlongequal{ } \\[1 em] & \xlongequal{ \color{blue}{ \text{\normalsize{ \htmlClass{explanationCircle explanationCircle2}{\textcircled {2}} } }}}\frac{1-\sqrt{2}-\sqrt{2}+2}{1-\sqrt{2}+\sqrt{2}-2} \xlongequal{ } \\[1 em] & \xlongequal{ \color{blue}{ \text{\normalsize{ \htmlClass{explanationCircle explanationCircle3}{\textcircled {3}} } }}}\frac{3-2\sqrt{2}}{-1} \xlongequal{ } \\[1 em] & \xlongequal{ \color{blue}{ \text{\normalsize{ \htmlClass{explanationCircle explanationCircle4}{\textcircled {4}} } }}}\frac{-3+2\sqrt{2}}{1} \xlongequal{ } \\[1 em] & \xlongequal{ \color{blue}{ \text{\normalsize{ \htmlClass{explanationCircle explanationCircle5}{\textcircled {5}} } }}}-3+2\sqrt{2}\end{aligned} $$
Multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator . $$\color{blue}{ 1- \sqrt{2}} $$.
Multiply in a numerator. $$ \color{blue}{ \left( 1- \sqrt{2}\right) } \cdot \left( 1- \sqrt{2}\right) = \color{blue}{1} \cdot1+\color{blue}{1} \cdot- \sqrt{2}\color{blue}{- \sqrt{2}} \cdot1\color{blue}{- \sqrt{2}} \cdot- \sqrt{2} = \\ = 1- \sqrt{2}- \sqrt{2} + 2 $$ Simplify denominator. $$ \color{blue}{ \left( 1 + \sqrt{2}\right) } \cdot \left( 1- \sqrt{2}\right) = \color{blue}{1} \cdot1+\color{blue}{1} \cdot- \sqrt{2}+\color{blue}{ \sqrt{2}} \cdot1+\color{blue}{ \sqrt{2}} \cdot- \sqrt{2} = \\ = 1- \sqrt{2} + \sqrt{2}-2 $$
Simplify numerator and denominator
Multiply both numerator and denominator by -1.
Remove 1 from denominator.

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Script name : rationalize-radical-denominator

Form values: 1-r2 , 1+r2 , \frac{1-\sqrt{2}}{1+\sqrt{2}} , g , Rationalize denominator 1-√2/1+√2

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Rationalize Denominator Calculator
replace the square root sign ( ) with the letter r.
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example 1:ex 1:
example 2:ex 2:
$$\frac{\sqrt{2} + 1}{\sqrt{2} -1}$$
example 3:ex 3:
$$\frac{3\sqrt{2} - 2\sqrt{3}}{2\sqrt{3} + 3\sqrt{2}}$$
example 4:ex 4:
$$\frac{1}{\sqrt{21} + \sqrt{7} + 2\sqrt{3} + 2}$$
example 5:ex 5:
$$\frac{\sqrt{3} + \sqrt{2} + 1}{\sqrt{3} - \sqrt{2} + 1}$$
example 6:ex 6:
$$\frac{11 - \sqrt{6}}{\sqrt{6} - 6}$$
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