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Correlation and regression calculator

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Enter two data sets and this calculator will find the equation of the regression line and correlation coefficient. The calculator will generate a step by step explanation along with the graphic representation of the data sets and regression line.


You entered the following data:


The equation of the regression line is:

$$y~=~3127 ~-~ 15.52 \cdot x$$

The graph of the regression line is:


We will find an equation of the regression line in 4 steps.

Step 1: Find $X \cdot Y$ and $X^2$ as it was done in the table below.

$X$$Y$$X\cdot Y$$X \cdot X$ 
3 5255 15765 9
11 5000 55000 121
4 4900 19600 16
29 4544 131776 841
21 4522 94962 441
39 4195 163605 1521
14 4109 57526 196
30 4100 123000 900
21 3900 81900 441
11 3700 40700 121
2 3309 6618 4
4 3309 13236 16
16 3309 52944 256
30 3305 99150 900
44 3300 145200 1936
20 3300 66000 400
15 3220 48300 225
36 3209 115524 1296
30 3209 96270 900
60 3200 192000 3600
30 3200 96000 900
4 3150 12600 16
13 3150 40950 169
23 3109 71507 529
1 3101 3101 1
36 3100 111600 1296
24 3100 74400 576
11 3099 34089 121
21 3000 63000 441
30 2999 89970 900
2 2900 5800 4
17 2900 49300 289
21 2900 60900 441
30 2900 87000 900
21 2809 58989 441
23 2809 64607 529
20 2800 56000 400
23 2800 64400 529
23 2722 62606 529
59 2700 159300 3481
23 2700 62100 529
28 2700 75600 784
30 2700 81000 900
30 2700 81000 900
30 2700 81000 900
30 2700 81000 900
38 2671 101498 1444
7 2650 18550 49
16 2650 42400 256
30 2650 79500 900

Step 2: Find the sum of every column:

$$ \sum{X} = 3866 ~,~ \sum{Y} = 368324 ~,~ \sum{X \cdot Y} = 9973627 ~,~ \sum{X^2} = 136158 $$

Step 3: Use the following equations to find $a$ and $b$:

$$ \begin{aligned} a &= \frac{\sum{Y} \cdot \sum{X^2} - \sum{X} \cdot \sum{XY} }{n \cdot \sum{X^2} - \left(\sum{X}\right)^2} = \frac{ 368324 \cdot 136158 - 3866 \cdot 9973627}{ 137 \cdot 136158 - 3866^2} \approx 3127 \\ \\b &= \frac{ n \cdot \sum{XY} - \sum{X} \cdot \sum{Y}}{n \cdot \sum{X^2} - \left(\sum{X}\right)^2} = \frac{ 137 \cdot 9973627 - 3866 \cdot 368324 }{ 137 \cdot 136158 - \left( 3866 \right)^2} \approx -15.52\end{aligned}$$

Step 4: Substitute $a$ and $b$ in regression equation formula

$$ \begin{aligned} y~&=~a ~+~ b \cdot x \\y~&=~3127 ~-~ 15.52 \cdot x\end{aligned}$$

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Correlation and Regression Calculator
Input X and Y values separated by comma or blank space
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Use data grit to input x and y values
Find the equation of the regression line
Find the correlation coefficient
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example 1:ex 1:

Consider the following set of points: ${(-3 , -4), \, (2 , 3), \, (7 , 11)}$

a) Find the regression line for the given data points.

b) Plot the given points and the regression line.

example 2:ex 2:

The values of $X$ and their corresponding values of $Y$ are shown in the table below:

$$ \begin{array}{c|ccccc} X & ~1~ & ~2~ & ~3~ & ~4~ & ~5 \\ Y & ~4~ & ~8~ & ~9~ & ~11~& ~16 \end{array} $$

Find a Pearson correlation coefficient.

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